Friday 16 October 2015

A Concern for Your Tresses: Hair Transplant in Mumbai

Fretting over your hair loss? The causes may be stress, postpartum hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian disorder, alopecia or fungal infections in your scalp. Whatever the reason maybe, natural and medical treatments for hair loss in Mumbai are now within reach. Restoring those lovely locks and tresses you were initially blessed with and now feel disappointed to feel the bald patches on your head is now scientifically possible. Hair often tends to thin out with age naturally or unnaturally through uninhibited hair loss. Hair follicles weaken due to various reasons that often comes as a shock to people who had a head full of hair few years ago.

Hair Transplant in Mumbai - DR LH Hiranandani Hospital

Hair transplant in Mumbai has been one of the best cities that have cured the most unique cases of hair loss concerns with a positive response. Does this sound like a dream and is music to your ears? Read on to know more about some of the best hospitals in Thane that promise your confidence back by restoring your hair. However, one must clearly understand that even though hair loss can be prevented and regrown through sessions of treatment and therapy, one can never really attain the natural and original state of hair growth that once was. Usually treatments such as Rogaine, Propecia, Spironolactone, hair transplants, Corticosteroids, Anthralin and lasers are the most commonly available hair treatments in the market.

The most common form of hair loss treatment that is widely used and recommended with minimal or no side effects is hair transplantation and lasers. With hair transplantation the plugs of the skin are relocated, especially the ones that contain active hair follicles. These are relocated to the balder patches and this process usually takes over 60 sessions spread over months. Ideally a person needs a several hundred plugs to promote a balanced hair growth that is evenly spread across the scalp. The best hospitals in Thane Mumbai include Hiranandani Hospital that uses the latest and safest transplant techniques to bless patients with a natural look of hair transplantation. Hiranadani Hospital ensure that minimal scarring is done in the process for every follicle unit transplantation and follicle unit extraction. 

Apart from that lasers are also used to promote hair growth. In this form of treatment, a laser comb-like device is used to stimulate hair growth. Several other proven techniques used by Hiranandani include Anthralin which is a topical medication that controls inflammation at the base of every hair follicle to stop alopecia areata conditions in the scalp.
If this has excited you well enough, you might not want to delay a session. After all there is a life beyond a bad hair day!


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